  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 28

Allow me to stress the fundamental importance of a ceasefire now, for the sake of humanity and justice. Every second that ticks by sees lives shattered, homes destroyed, and dreams crushed. Let's not have blood on our hands, for we can no longer afford to be silent bystanders to the catastrophic and brutal conflict plaguing Gaza and the West Bank. Crimes against humanity should never be tolerated, regardless of who commits them. Therefore, I implore you to reconsider the U.S. funding of Israel's actions against Palestinian civilians. This support is not only propelling the violence but also destroying the spirit of peace that we should uphold in all corners of the earth. Play your part in forging a safe and peaceful world, by ceasing the flow of arms that fuel this remorseless cycle of cruelty. Every life lost intensifies the urgency of our call. We must move beyond rhetoric and towards amending the policies and practices that perpetuate this anguish. Let us act now, for tomorrow may be too late for those living under the shadow of dread. Let this be the moment when you decide to protect countless innocent lives, so they can sleep peacefully tonight. Your choices today will shape the legacy you leave behind, and posterity will remember you for the courage you showed in a time of crisis.

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