  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Pass federal abortion rights legislation to protect reproductive freedom.

To: Sen. Warner, Rep. McClellan, Sen. Kaine, Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Richmond, VA

August 11

The Supreme Court's devastating decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has stripped away the constitutional right to abortion nationwide. This has already caused immense harm by forcing many to carry pregnancies against their will or travel across multiple state lines to access essential healthcare. It is imperative that Congress and the Biden administration take swift action to protect abortion access across the United States. The Women's Health Protection Act and the Ensuring Women's Right to Reproductive Freedom Act recently passed in the House would safeguard the right to abortion care at the federal level and protect the ability to travel for such care. These critical pieces of legislation must be passed without delay to counteract the severe threat posed by state-level abortion bans. Abortion is essential healthcare, and denying it jeopardizes lives, wellbeing, and the fundamental rights of millions. The urgency of this issue cannot be overstated. Decisive nationwide protections for abortion rights and access are desperately needed to uphold reproductive freedom and prevent a public health crisis. Congress and the administration have a moral imperative to act now to secure this constitutional right for all Americans, no matter where they live. The continued inaction endangers too many. Prompt federal action to enshrine abortion rights in law is crucial to begin mitigating the catastrophic consequences of this Supreme Court ruling.

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