  1. United States
  2. Nev.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Amodei

From: A verified voter in Sun Valley, NV

October 3

I would like to express my support of The Social Security Fairness Act. I worked in the private sector for about 8 years before working 30 years at USPS. After my retirement, I worked part time for several years. Social Security has been withholding $350/mo since I started drawing in 2012. $4200 a year for the last 12 years. I personally feel I have been punished enough for my service to the Post Office. It is a sad fact cost of living increases don't really keep pace with inflation. With age & health issues, I really can't go back to work. That extra $350/mo would be so helpful. Additionally, I would be paying taxes on it as well as spending it on essentials, further helping to stimulate the economy. Thank you for reading!

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