  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Harckham, Assembly Member Levenberg

From: A verified voter in Shrub Oak, NY

November 21

I’m angered that Gov Hochul has decided to push through with the congestion pricing tax scheme (it’s a tax not a toll). As you saw by the election results especially in the city, the people are getting tired of the waste and taxes the Democratic Party like to inflict on the people. It needs to stop. The MTA needs to start trimming fat and become more efficient. This toll is a scam. It’s supposed to raise billions even though its stated purpose is to prevent ppl from driving into Manhattan. How is it suppose to raise that money if it does that? Cause ppl to avoid driving into the city? Where does the additional revenue come from? But this is typical of NY Dem be the first and ONLY city in the country doing this. You need to stop abusing the people due to your inability to hold the MTA accountable in how they run the agency. I need you to stop this. We’re tired of this crap.

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