  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

Age limit and cognitive evaluations for federal leadership

To: Sen. Blumenthal, Sen. Murphy, Rep. DeLauro

From: A verified voter in New Haven, CT

July 8

The cognitive decline associated with aging raises legitimate concerns about the fitness of older leaders for the rigors of federal office, including the presidency. While each case is unique, research shows aspects of cognition like working memory and information processing often diminish with advancing years. Increased transparency around comprehensive cognitive evaluations is prudent. However, an age cutoff at 75 should also be instituted as an objective safeguard against potential impairment. Legislating a mandatory retirement age could face opposition but is warranted given the immense responsibilities involved. Leaders should put national interests first by stepping aside if no longer fully capable, but an age limit provides crucial protection. Effective governance and public trust hinge on the health and sharpness of federal leadership. Experience is invaluable but cannot compensate for cognitive deficits in grueling roles. Balancing these factors through enforced age limits and transparent competency assessments upholds institutional functionality.

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