  1. United States
  2. Mo.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Hawley, Sen. Schmitt, Rep. Cleaver

From: A constituent in Kansas City, MO

July 13

Hello, I’m writing to express concern over a lack of public facing government action being taken over Russian internet activity aimed at disrupting the election and spwojg discord in general. I’ve seen several articles lately quoting internal government officials saying this is a big problem, and as someone who is on several web platforms and knows disinformation when I see it, indeed this is a huge issue. I want to see something like a public service announcement campaign that is broad and sweeping that simply educates people on what Russia is trying to do. Briefly explains how we know this. And describes what to look for. Inaction on this issue is equivalent to direct support of Russias efforts to disrupt democracy in the west.

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