  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Protect us from Trump: Enshrine LGBT rights in Michigan

To: Rep. Hood, Gov. Whitmer, Sen. Huizenga

From: A constituent in Grand Rapids, MI

November 6

We're about to be drowned. All of our rights are at risk of being stripped away. Michigan NEEDS to protect its people. You NEED to repeal the same sex ma rriage ban. You NEED to enshrine the right to transition. My wife and I got married a week ago. She finally got on my insurance so she could better afford HRT. Everything we've worked hard for is about to be tak en away. Protect us. Please. We have nowhere else to go. We can survive this but we need your help. Do the right thing. Protect our right to love and live as we desire, as we feel in our souls.

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