  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Brooklyn, NY

April 24

Mr. President, I write to inform you of the unfortunate fact that I cannot in good conscience offer you my vote this election. Your failure to handle Israel and their active genocide against Palestinians has and will cost you the vote in Michigan and in many other big and small cities you can’t afford to lose. You’ve offered big words with little action, as Israel yet again has killed more children in their campaign in eliminating Palestines from the face of this Earth. You sir, have handed Donald Trump this win. I genuinely wish you would’ve stepped aside and let someone like Gov. Newsom of California. Your arrogance and pride got the better of you and unfortunately will make you a one term President at this current rate. Finally, your underestimation of how “great” the economy is doing while many families have seen the cost of food and basic living costs skyrocket. Yet you hurry to offer Israel aid when they themselves have actively targeted Iranian officials abroad in order to expand this war and ensure that America remains wrapped around its finger. Here we are allowing Israel to bend us over without any Vaseline in sight. I desperately ask that you do not accept the nomination of the Democratic Party or that your campaign be ready to heavily spend in States like Michigan. You are the President of the United States - the only person who can appropriately handle Israel into compliance. Yet you refuse. Many of us who voted for you and have voted Democratic on the Presidential ticket for years are so, so disappointed in your performance. I hope your team will offer you genuine and transparent communication as to why voters are not excited about your campaign for re-election. Please end your campaign.

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