  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Stop the Genocide

To: Sen. Cruz, Sen. Cornyn, Rep. Veasey

From: A verified voter in Irving, TX

May 26

Palestinians are being subjected to grave human rights violations by Israel's military occupation and blockade, with the complicity of US financial and military aid. This untenable situation has led to starvation, lack of access to essential goods and services, and indiscriminate violence against civilians in Gaza. As a constituent, I urge you to exert pressure on Israel to immediately open the Rafah crossing, allowing for the unimpeded flow of humanitarian aid and supplies to the Palestinian people. The world bears witness to this ongoing injustice, and inaction will only further diminish our nation's credibility as a champion of human rights and dignity. The genocide perpetrated against Palestinians must end now.

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