  1. United States
  2. Letter

Disillusioned Teacher

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Phoenix, AZ

April 24

I’ve spent the last several decades teaching young adults and teenagers. I am convinced that you have managed to alienate most of the young left-leaning voters in our country by not being more proactive trying to stop the genocide and Gazza, as well as by signing the TikTok bill today. I do not think it is possible for you to win the election without the youth vote and I’m pretty sure you have lost the youth vote. I was a proud supporter in 2020. I spent a lot of time campaigning for you and I am now made depressed and disillusioned to know that you have given the 2024 election to the guy that is going to end democracy in our country. I’m part of Gen X And I can tell you that you have lost quite a few of us as well. This is on you, Joe. You are the end of democracy in this country. You had a shot at fixing things and you failed us.

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