  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

End fossil fuel subsidies, invest in renewables

To: Sen. Padilla, Rep. Schiff, Sen. Butler

From: A constituent in Glendale, CA

July 24

The United States should end subsidies for the highly profitable fossil fuel industry and instead invest in clean, renewable energy sources. Oil companies received an estimated $20 billion in direct subsidies in 2022 alone. These subsidies prop up polluting industries contributing to the climate crisis and environmental destruction when we urgently need to transition to sustainable alternatives. Furthermore, the fossil fuel companies are raking in record profits while consumers face high energy costs. It is unacceptable to provide corporate handouts to an industry exploiting the public while obstructing urgently needed climate action. I urge you to vote against any legislation providing subsidies or tax breaks to oil, gas, and coal corporations and support policies to rapidly build out renewable power sources to achieve energy independence and protect our planet.

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