  1. United States
  2. Letter

For the good of the country, step aside.

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Milwaukee, WI

July 6

I supported you in 2020 and was proud seeing you win back the White House from Donald Trump. But in this cycle, it's clear that while you can do the job of governing, the debate revealed you can no longer do the job of running for president. It's always difficult to acknowledge our own failings. Please don't put your ego ahead of the country. You did a great thing in getting Trump out of the White House. Now the greatest thing is to acknowledge the call of the American people to step aside. Let someone younger prosecute the case against Trump as you could not. This isn't a case where we want to win. This is a case where we need to win, and that path runs through a different candidate. Please put the country ahead of yourself and step aside.

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