  1. United States
  2. Mo.
  3. Letter

Pass Missouri gun legislation to prevent school shootings

To: Rep. Butz, Sen. May

From: A verified voter in Saint Louis, MO

December 17

How many tragic school shootings do we need to see in the news before we try something different? Saint Louis has among the highest gun murder rates in the country. Please enact basic gun reforms supported by Everytown to make our communities and schools safer: 1. Require universal background checks and permit for all gun sales. 2. Require concealed carry permits - we require a test and registration for both driving and voting, this is reasonable for guns as well. 3. Extreme risk or red flag law might have prevented the Central VPA shooting - my friend is a parent affected by the school shooting. 4. Require secure, child proof gun storage This is an issue that could personally affect any one of us. Any child, friend, or parent could be a victim of a senseless mass shooting. It’s beyond time to find something we can agree on to make change.

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