  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray, Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27, 2024

CONGRESS In a world that professes to value human life, justice and peace, the exacerbating plight of the innocent Palestinian civilians against a mounting Israeli offensive, funded in part by the United States, is ills that shake the conscience of humanity. The distressing loss of lives, destruction of homes, and overall instability disseminated in the spirit of such a peaceful people is a narrative that cuts across religious divides. It is a heartrending plea against tyranny, violence and gross violation of universal human rights. Is it not our moral obligation to be a voice for the voiceless and extend a hand to the oppressed, irrespective of frontiers? It is not an issue of politics or territory, nor is it one of religion or historical feuds; it is one of simple humanity, drawn from the heart of empathy, compassion, and justice. The United States, as a global beacon of democracy and freedom, is hence not merely complicit, but egregiously so, in breaching the very values it purports to champion. This is an earnest appeal, devoid of borders, politics, and religion, yet imbibed with the spirit of humanity and justice. We must staunchly and critically re-evaluate the financial and military support to Israel in light of this humanitarian crisis. Now more than ever, what is sorely needed is not another round of condemnations or bleak sympathies; it's real and effective action to halt the reign of terror. The need to enforce an immediate ceasefire is urgent and paramount. The language of hate and violence must cease to be a mediated form of communication. Lives are at stake; mothers, children, and fathers bear the brunt of an escalated war, a war so unconscionably funded. We must manifest our commitment to end crimes against humanity, starting with the cessation of financial support and arm sales to Israel, thereby supporting peace, justice and the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people.

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