  1. United States
  2. Hawaii
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Fukunaga, Gov. Green, Rep. Garrett

From: A constituent in Honolulu, HI

January 23

We often forget that it was established by Castle Rock v. Gonzales that police agencies have every right to not protect individuals not in custody, underscores a critical gap in our legal framework. This ruling, coupled with the Supreme Court's narrow definition of custody, leaves many vulnerable. The concept of a "social contract" between government agencies and taxpayers is fundamentally flawed, as it mandates taxpayers to fund a system that is not held accountable for its failures. This situation calls for a comprehensive review and reform of our current system. It is crucial to amend our state's constitution to ensure that individuals have a right to protection by the police. This amendment would serve as a step towards a more equitable and accountable system. And it would rebuild trust in our communities with our local police officers as we know that they are bound not only to their oath, not only to their communities but to the constitution as well.

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