  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 28, 2024

Every single day and night, my heart breaks as the cherished corners of my homeland shatter. Homes that once housed laughter and life now lie in ruins, while innocent lives are cut short, and dreams perish before they see the light of day. The colossal waves of destruction and the ravages of war have swept away the spirits and resilience of my people, and all we are left with are fragments of hope in a sea of despair. Now, here I stand, an ordinary man with an extraordinary plea, imploring for the cessation of this unmitigated act of war, this ruthless effacement of human lives. A tragedy of this magnitude, having shaken humanity to its core, unfortunately finds itself in the crosshairs of financial and military bolstering. This is deeply unsettling, more so, when this support originates from the United States, a torchbearer of democracy, endowed with an influential role on the world stage. The U.S. funding of Israel's actions against Palestinian civilians, and dispatching arms to sustain those actions, is an undeniable contribution to exacerbating the existing crisis. It tarnishes the essence of what the United States stands for, promoting a culture of violence and dominion that punctures the humanitarian fabric the world is desperately trying to stitch. This is an earnest plea to halt the endorsement of atrocities, to rise above political alliances and vested interests, for the sake of humanity, for our children who deserve a world painted with hues of peace and harmony, not stained with blood and turmoil. An abstract line drawn in the sand or the name of a country should not determine the value of a human life, for we all bleed the same. The concept of nations should not give us the power to dehumanize another, nor should it blind us to the screams that echo from lifeless walls and open graves. We share this world, we share this sky; let’s spare our lamentations to echo in the ears of the angels instead of the cries of the oppressed. Demand an immediate ceasefire, demand respect for human rights, demand an end to the hostilities. There is no time left, for every moment wasted is a life unjustly taken. There is no grey area when it comes to crimes against humanity; either you're with them or against them.

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