An open letter to Sen. Sinema, Rep. Ciscomani, Sen. Kelly, Pres. Biden.
  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Sinema, Rep. Ciscomani, Sen. Kelly, Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Cochise, AZ

April 30

Again today Israel is attacking Rafah. The refuge that Israel drove the entire Gaza population into a corner. Now they are shooting everybody in that corner. They are shooting people like rats. YOU SUPPORT THIS CARNAGE! YOU SUPPORT KILLING WOMEN AND CHILDREN WITH DRONES! YOU SUPPORT USING THE UNITED STATES BOMBS TO ANNIHILATE GAZA! Your bloodlust cannot be satiated by the absolute annihilation, genocide of Palestinians! Everyday we learn more about the crimes Israel is committed against Gaza and against humanity. Everyday we see more horrific acts committed by IDF soldiers. Every day we see the absolute Carnage inflicted on Gaza citizens. EVERYDAY. EVERYDAY. YOU are responsible!

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