  1. United States
  2. Nev.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Amodei, Sen. Cortez Masto, Sen. Rosen

From: A verified voter in Reno, NV

July 24

The leaked UN report detailing the tragic loss of 366 UN staff members and their families, including 172 dependents, due to Israel's assault on Gaza is deeply concerning. These casualties among humanitarian workers and their loved ones, as well as the continued attacks on UN aid convoys, undermine the core principles of protecting civilians and respecting international law. At a time when the International Court of Justice has ruled Israel's occupation of Gaza and the West Bank to be illegal, it is imperative that the United States takes a principled stance against such actions that cost innocent lives and erode human rights. Allowing Prime Minister Netanyahu to address Congress while facing potential arrest warrants from the ICC sends the wrong message. I urge you to reconsider providing a platform for Prime Minister Netanyahu and instead use your influential position to press for an immediate ceasefire, full investigations into potential war crimes, and a renewed commitment to a just and lasting peace that respects the rights of all people in the region. The mounting civilian toll, including on UN personnel working to provide vital aid, demands a change in approach guided by international law and human rights.

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