  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Release ethics report to uphold transparency, accountability in Congress

To: Rep. Thompson, Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla

From: A constituent in Santa Rosa, CA

November 15, 2024

The resignation of a member of Congress is an outrageous attempt to evade accountability and transparency. Allowing alleged ethical violations to go uninvestigated and concealing potential wrongdoing from the public is a blatant betrayal of the trust placed in our elected officials. Congress has a solemn obligation to the American people to release the ethics report immediately, regardless of an individual's employment status. Shielding unethical conduct from scrutiny deeply erodes public faith in our democratic institutions and sets a disturbing precedent of impunity for those in power. The principles of openness, due process, and the rule of law demand the full disclosure of the ethics inquiry's findings. Transparency is absolutely vital to maintaining integrity in government and ensuring that no one is above the law or immune from consequences for unethical actions. Congress must uphold its duty to the citizens it serves by releasing this report without any further delay.

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