No on AB 3080
  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

No on AB 3080

To: Gov. Newsom, Asm. Lowenthal, Sen. Gonzalez

From: A constituent in Long Beach, CA

May 4

I oppose AB 3080, and you should too. This law has no privacy safegaurds. I will be one data breach from having my identity stolen. If I buy wine at the grocery store, they won't keep my ID. If I share my ID online, the website keeps it. This is not safe. There has already been identity theft in Louisiana over a similar law. California should be better than this. If you want to keep kids safe online, then teach parents to use internet safety tools, and fund after-school programs so the kids don't need to be online. Don't put all of us at risk just because some parents refuse to act as such. Also, California is not immune to the anti-trans bills sweeping the nation. I don't trust AB 3080 to not be used to harm trans people.

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