  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: V.P. Harris

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27

Every day, the ignoble news of bloodshed takes up our screens, pummels the hearts of those who still value human life, and ripples with trembling echoes of disgust across conscientious minds. The world watches with bated breath as the skies over Gaza are painted with the horrifying hues of smoky terror, as innocent lives are snuffed out under the veil of legitimacy, and as the Palestinian civilians brave each shocking moment with a courage most of us cannot even fathom. The US funding of Israel's actions against these civilians and the unabated dispatch of arms to fuel this monstrous war machine can no longer be met with silent acquiescence. In the face of such outrageous violations of human rights, there is an urgent call for integrity, a cri de coeur for the abolition of crimes against humanity. How can we, as the bearers of human conscience, stand by as our brothers and sisters, our sons and daughters, are subjected to vicious cycles of violence and displacement? How much longer can we choose to remain blind to the horrifying cost of brutal conflicts funded and armed by our own resources? It is not about choosing sides, it is about choosing humanity, choosing to uphold the inalienable right of every human being to live in peace and dignity. Time is of essence. The lives of countless innocent civilians hang in the balance, their futures mortgaged to a war none of them ever agreed to wage. This is an impassioned plea for an immediate ceasefire, for a halt to the funding and arms that only serve to fan the flames of conflict, for the reduction of these heartrending echoes of agony and despair. The value of human life should not be a matter of partisan discourse, it should be a universally acknowledged reality. Demand the end, not the perpetuation, of this senseless violence - the silence must be shattered, our voices must be heard.

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