  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Rivers, Rep. Cheney, Rep. McClintock, Gov. Inslee

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

October 4

I am your constituent and I want you to make sure that medical facilities in our state are aggressively inspected for safety and cleanliness. Here is why. There has been a lot of consolidation in the healthcare industry and part of that includes reducing staff and cutting back on services and supplies to save money. Of course commercial firms and private equity investors demand high returns but non profits are not exempt from this cost cutting. There have been stories about hospitals in Michigan even reducing cleaning supplies and operating in unsanitary conditions because they needed to save money. Please make sure that facilities in our state are safe for all of us. Thank you. Here is a link to that story about hospitals in Michigan.

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