  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Chu, Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla

From: A verified voter in Glendora, CA

September 6

e, wheelchairs etc for any victims of school or mass shootings. In addition the United states must pay the costs surrounding the deaths, including mortua ly impossible, we absolutely need to cover to costs of health care and funerals for mass shooting victims. The United States of America must pay all the After witnessing the mass shooting in Georgia, I am again urging action in banning AR15 and assault weapons. In the meantime, since that seems to be near ry, basic funeral, and burial. We have a moral obligation to care for the victims of our national epidemic of gun violence. costs of ambulance, helicopter, emergency care, surgery, hospitalization, medications, plastic surgery, dental, visual, mental health care, long term car

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