  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Murray, Sen. Cantwell, Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27

Humanity stands on the threshold of irreversible catastrophe as we witness horrifying spectral images of violence and bloodshed against Palestinian civilians by Israel. Our silence and indifference achieve nothing but fanning the flames of this unspeakable horror. Time has come to take note and act against this grotesque parade of violence. It is bitterly heartbreaking to consider that the nation I hold dear to my heart, our United States, is unfortunately entangled in providing funding and arms to Israel, thereby contributing to the ceaseless sufferings of the innocent. The continuous funding of Israel's actions by the United States, knowing its severe implications, is not without guilt. The arms we supply only feed the beast of war, amplifying the voices of bullets and bombs over cries for peace. This is not just about nations or policies; this is about people, with real lives and dreams succumbing to an unsought war, a war of monstrous proportions, a war that we are, inescapably, fueling. This is not what our flag stands for, this is not what our hearts yearn for, this does not echo the principles “Liberty and Justice for all.” Crimes against humanity cannot, and must not, be overlooked. We need an immediate ceasing of U.S. funding and arms supply to Israel, and we need it now. There is an urgent plea for a ceasefire, for diplomacy to prevail over violence, for conversations to replace gunshots, for humanity to triumph over hatred. Our silence and indifference today will hold us accountable tomorrow. As an ordinary man, I implore you to demand these changes and to stand up for a peaceful resolution. Let late be never, let action replace words, let peace prevail.

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