Request to Veto Bills Threatening Reproductive Rights in Kansas
  1. United States
  2. Kan.
  3. Letter

Request to Veto Bills Threatening Reproductive Rights in Kansas

To: Gov. Kelly, Rep. Helgerson, Sen. Erickson

From: A verified voter in Wichita, KS

April 12

The recent allocation of $2 million to the Pregnancy Compassion Awareness Program, along with the approval of measures potentially leading to the recognition of "fetal personhood," raises concerns about the direction of reproductive rights in Kansas. These actions, coupled with the criminalization of "abortion coercion" and the abortion questionnaire bill, seem to undermine the state's constitutional protection of abortion rights. It is crucial to consider the potential implications of these measures, including the potential for government overreach and the impact on women's autonomy. Therefore, it is requested that these bills be vetoed to uphold the rights and freedoms of Kansas residents.

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