- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: V.P. Harris
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 27, 2024
Every day I hear about American tax dollars being funneled directly into actions causing the suffering, displacement, and death of innocent civilians. People undergoing the horrors of war, just like you and I, separated from us only by virtue of birth place. We're standing on a precipice, complicit in a conflict that violates the very morals and values we claim to uphold. It's time we quit shying away from this hard truth: the United States' funding of Israeli actions against Palestinian civilians. Warfare should never be the price of politics, and it's appalling how often it becomes so. To be clear, this is not a plea against Israel's right to exist or its security, but rather against the American endorsement of unproportional violence and oppressive policies. No country should be exempt from international law, but resentment of Israel's actions should not obscure the fact that it's our funds, our complicity, our weapons that are perpetuating this human rights crisis. How can we claim to champion human rights when we uphold such double standards? The time for change is now. We must demand a ceasefire, an end to the violence, and a halt to the forced displacement of people. More than that, we need to scrutinize and ultimately curtail our funding and supplying of arms that facilitate this ongoing conflict. Our government must abolish any role we play in crimes against humanity. This isn't about taking sides - this is about standing up for basic human decency, about ensuring justice for all. Until that happens, we cannot claim to be a champion of human rights, and we cannot wash our hands of the blood that has so unjustly been shed. Let's make this not about who's right, but what's right. Every life is precious. And every decent human being would agree. It is high time we truly bought into this principle and acted accordingly.
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