  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Tillis, Sen. Budd, Rep. McHenry

From: A verified voter in Mooresville, NC

June 4

I think it’s really disgusting and unpatriotic for you and other congressional Republicans to attack the justice system simply because your party leader is a criminal. You are trying to undermine our democracy because you can’t admit the fact that your cult leader was finally held accountable for some of his many crimes stretching back over 50 years. Do better. You know you’re on the wrong side of history here. I’m not sure how you think you are going to dodge the very serious repercussions that are in store for this country if you and the MAGA cultists continue on this destructive path. Stop trying to destroy our democracy and work to strengthen it. You need to remember you are a public servant whose salary is paid by the U.S. taxpayers. #TraitorTrump #FeloniousDon #RepublicansHateAmerica #MAGAMorons #LawAndOrder

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