NO GOP Christmas shutdown!! Don't be bullied by unelected billionaire Elon musk. Do your job!
"Extreme fear" is credited for the recent stock market dips. Fear that the republicans in the House won't support measures to keep the government open a all down so he can rebuild it in his own image. Our success or failure rides on YOU and your ability to lead with courage and integrity OR your
As a Disabled Veteran married to a retired Veteran, our only income is from the Veterans Administration and the Department of Defense. We are only 2 of millions who will be affected by a government shutdown. North Carolina is home to 800,000 Veterans alone, and going unpaid is not what we agreed
Don't be bullied by unelected Elon musk. VOTE FOR the budget deal to avoid a devastating holiday shut-down of the federal government over the holidays wh ich would stop paychecks for troops and nutrition benefits for low-income families. It's up to you to DO THE RIGHT THING!!
Write a letter and send it instantly by email, fax, or postal mail. It takes two minutes to be heard.