  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Levin, Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla

From: A verified voter in Oceanside, CA

July 13

I am a life long democrat, have always voted party line, been a poll worker numerous times, even volunteered for RFK in 1968 and I was not old enough to vote! When 2020 had so many wonderful Dems running in the primaries, I chose THEN Biden and was thrilled when HE chose Harris as VP. They had my vote then, and they will have it now. Mike Levin represents my district. I AM SHOCKED and has asked Biden to step down! I want you know that I am extremely disappointed in you for this decision…which is not yours not make…only BIDEN can make it! I am one upset constituent. I’ll be watching what you do and sayin the coming weeks.

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