  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter

Stop the efforts to boot Biden!

To: Sen. Booker, Rep. Kim, Sen. Menendez

From: A verified voter in Moorestown, NJ

July 18

As one of your many constituents, it’s important that you know my views on the Dem presidential candidate. I support the Biden/Harris campaign. Fully and without reservation. The efforts to replace them are divisive and play into MAGA hands. We need less chaos, NOT more. Most mainstream media is owned by MAGA supporters; crisis sells news and profits are more important than journalistic integrity. There’s no incentive to act calmly or rationally or with any integrity. The majority of Dem congressional members support Biden/Harris. Millions of primary voters chose Biden/Harris. Those whose names are being tossed around had their opportunity to be the party nominee and will have another opportunity in four years. Yet I’m seeing headlines saying PELOSI is suggesting Biden will step down?? Hypocrisy is wrong, regardless of who is being hypocritical. She’s running again, yet she wants Biden to step down? I need you to work with the majority who support Biden to stop the damaging babble of Pelosi and all others with her.

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