  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Withdraw Invite of Netanyahu to Address US Congress

To: Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla, Rep. Torres

From: A verified voter in Chino, CA

June 8

I am writing to express my strong disapproval of the recent decision to invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress. This invitation is highly inappropriate and deeply troubling given the current circumstances and Netanyahu's record of actions that are widely regarded as serious violations of international law. Prime Minister Netanyahu has been directly implicated in actions that have resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians, the destruction of homes, and the continued blockade and suffering of the people of Gaza. His policies and military actions have led to a humanitarian crisis of unprecedented scale, with hundreds of thousands of people killed in the past eight months alone. The deliberate targeting of refugees, bombing of civilian infrastructure, and denial of essential humanitarian aid constitute egregious violations of international humanitarian law and human rights. Furthermore, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued arrest warrants for Netanyahu on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity. It is inconceivable that a leader facing such serious allegations should be given a platform to speak before the legislative body of the United States. This invitation not only undermines the credibility of the United States as a proponent of human rights and international law but also sends a disturbing message to the global community about our nation's stance on justice and accountability. At a time when the international community is calling for accountability and an end to the violence in Gaza, the U.S. Congress should be taking a stand for peace, justice, and the protection of human rights. Inviting Prime Minister Netanyahu to address Congress is a betrayal of these principles and a disservice to the countless victims of his policies. I urge you to reconsider this invitation and to take a firm stance against any actions that legitimize or endorse the ongoing human rights abuses in Gaza. The United States must uphold its commitment to justice and international law by holding leaders accountable for their actions and by supporting efforts to end the violence and provide humanitarian relief to those in need. I demand that you withdraw the invitation to Prime Minister Netanyahu and instead focus on measures that promote peace, protect civilians, and ensure accountability for those responsible for war crimes and human rights violations

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