- United States
- Ohio
- Letter
H. Res. 26 of the 119th Comgress' 1st session is absurd and dangerous.
This resolution states that "Deeming certain conduct of members of Antifa as domestic terrorism and designating Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization.".
Antifa is not an organization. There is no "Antifa". Antifa is a movement and set of ideas that people may or may not align with. Stating that Antifa is a domestic terrorist group is not only false by definition, but also an attempt to silence or punish those that may oppose the ideas of the current administration.
This is a dangerous resolution that seems to silence those who may speak out against the ideas of fascism and the current administration. Fascism is not something that the American people want. None of us want to live under fascist rule and this is one step in the direction of allowing that to happen.
I implore Congress to stand up against this resolution and vote against it. This for the people. Fascism is not for the people.
Thank you for your time.