  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Levin, Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla

From: A constituent in Cardiff By The Sea, CA

July 20

The knee-jerk reaction by Democrats to dump Biden after a bad debate night rather than coalescing around him, has put the party and the country in the horrible mess that it now finds itself in. I could not be more disgusted with the Democratic leaders and our Democratic representatives. The way Biden has been and continues to be treated, makes the Republicans look good and now you think an open convention or nominating process is the answer? In the democrats infinite wisdom, they seem to think that stripping the voters of their Biden-Harris choice… the answer to saving democracy. I am embarrassed and ashamed. I thought we were better than this. If Biden or Harris are not on the Democratic ticket, I for one will not bother voting. The country will deserve Trump and have only the Democrats to thank for it.

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