What does a Great America look like?
  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

What does a Great America look like?

To: Sen. Brown, Sen. Vance

From: A constituent in Dayton, OH

April 14

Senator Vance, I was recently inspired by our President’s word at the State of the Union, where he said regarding Russia “We will not walk away. We will not bow down. I will not bow down.” Russia, whose soldiers have killed children in front of parents and raped women of all ages. Russia, that continues to attack our infrastructure and social media disinformation campaigns. Russia, that partners with China, North Korea, Iran, Syria and all of our enemies abroad. And so I am deeply troubled by your words of defeat to Putin and Russia. You spoke on national TV saying that after a single year of support, that we can no longer keep going. The country I know and admire has shown strength and commitment in the face of adversity. Where is your dedication? Most Ohioans don’t remember you as a servant to Donald Trump, and yet I see you act that way every day. I know you know better, but somehow you feel that it’s just political maneuvering to get to a higher station. Well, this is not. What you do now may see you as something more if he gets re-elected, but at the cost of your integrity, at the cost of our allies, and at the cost of out country’s strength in the world as you turn your back on everyone we call allies. Find your moral compass, stand for something, remember that American is great enough to support ALL of its allies.

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