  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter


To: Sen. Cruz, Sen. Cornyn, Rep. Pfluger

From: A verified voter in Mason, TX

October 16

Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. All the crazy is coming out of the woodwork, even more so than usual. I thought part of a politician’s job was being able to take the pressure? Or, you know, get out of the kitchen. Recent days have been a display of stress cracks forming in some GOP re-election efforts it seems. Cruz vs Allred debate. Fascinating to watch. One candidate fared better exposing the hypocrisy of the other. Although the other touts his superior debating skills. No bias on my part. Just observation. When one debater gets louder and shriller and defensive as the debate wears on, it’s never a good look. My junior Senator seemed on his back foot. January 6 question about whether he would support pardons led to the expected gush of diffusion and distraction, but no answer. Why would he? He was all in on the whole foul drama. Pressed multiple times on whether he supports or opposes exceptions for abortion bans in the case of rape or incest, my Senator instead took issue with the moderators’ line of questioning. “Why do you keep asking me that?” the Republican asked, dodging the question for the third time. We know where you stand on this issue so we didn’t really expect an answer. But the current silence on your well-known views on the subject doesn’t make your history go away. Ultimately what we saw was one candidate tackling issues on the right side of what most Americans, and Texans, believe in and want. And the other leaning hard into the same old inauthentic disingenuous code-speak that most of us aren’t interested in hearing. Blah blah blah. But it’s not all doom and gloom. There’s still the entertainment factor. As evidenced by the DJT impromptu dj dance party in PA the other night. And the head-spinning ‘interview’ at the Economic Club of Chicago where his business acumen was on full display. “Aaron Rupar of Public Notice, who watches and clips Trump’s speeches, called the appearance “bonkers.” Journalist David Rothkopf of Deep State Radio wrote: “The past 24 hours seem to have been a dividing line in the Trump campaign...and in Trump. He went from being periodically adrift and sporadically demented to being 24/7 unfit and in need of permanent medical attention. He's one cloudless night away from baying at the moon.”” Ha. That’s one loud mic drop.

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