  1. United States
  2. Iowa
  3. Letter

Oppose H.R. 9495, protect civil liberties and due process

To: Rep. Nunn

From: A constituent in West Des Moines, IA

November 20

I urge you to oppose H.R. 9495, the "Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act". While providing tax relief for Americans unlawfully detained abroad is a laudable goal, the provision terminating the tax-exempt status of organizations deemed to provide material support to terrorist groups raises serious constitutional concerns regarding due process. Stripping an organization of its tax exemption based solely on an administrative designation, without the ability to obtain full judicial review, violates fundamental principles of fairness and democratic accountability. There are better ways to combat terrorism financing that do not compromise our nation's core values of free speech and association. I implore you to stand firm against any measures that undermine civil liberties, no matter how well-intentioned. Protecting our rights is essential to preserving the freedoms that make America truly exceptional.

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