  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla, Rep. Swalwell

From: A verified voter in Fremont, CA

July 21

I know I've been writing to you about supporting Biden to stay in the race, because honestly it scares me to have the party change the (presumtive) nominee this close to the convention and after all the primaries are done, but now that he's committed to that and endorsed Kamala Harris to step up into his place, I need you to put out clear and public statements of support for her. We've lost way too much time to this discourse about Biden needing to step down. We've lost too much to infighting as people on both side of the issue have fought for what they thought was the best way forward. Some of those fights were ugly and it's going to be hard coming back from that. We need to stand unified behind Harris now to get this campaign back on track. We can't afford to lose, and we need it to be crystal clear that the whole party is behind her. Please make a statement to endorse Harris soon.

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