  1. United States
  2. Letter

Please Save Democracy and Suspend Your Campaign to Support VP Harris

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in San Pablo, CA

June 29

I want to start by thanking you for everything you have done for the country. I have been so impressed with how you have led us over the last four years. You did exactly as you said you would do by working across the aisle to pass amazing pieces of legislation that benefit every single American. You have supported the LGBTQIA+ community, unions, women, the working class, communities of color, and so many more. You have done an astounding job of governing. I am so very proud of everything you have accomplished. But it is time to pass the torch. You selected a wonderful Vice President who can execute your vision over the next eight years, and it is time to give her the chance to lead. I want you to leave your years of public service at the top of your game. We all appreciate you and the legacy you have dedicated decades to accomplishing. I know this is a hard decision, but I truly believe the best way you can fight Donald Trump and save democracy is by throwing your full-throated support behind the woman you chose to succeed you. Please rethink your choice to run. Please step aside and back the VP you selected. Please do this one last thing to save democracy, just as you have been fighting to do your whole life.

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