  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Tillis, Rep. McHenry, Sen. Budd

From: A verified voter in Mooresville, NC

May 25

I am disgusted that some members of the Supreme Court have been revealed to have taken large bribes over the years from right wing billionaires with business before the court. And I am disgusted that Justice Alito has flown flags supporting Trump’s attempted hijacking of the 2020 election. But what concerns me most of all is that Republicans in Congress aren’t doing a damn thing about this corrupt behavior. You are so consumed with holding onto power that you will let this corruption at the Supreme Court continue as long as it’s committed by Republican justices. We need an ethics standard for the Supreme Court, just like every other judge in this country is held to. I urge you to start working for your constituents and pass robust ethics standards for the this court.

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