  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Huffman, Sen. Padilla, Sen. Butler

From: A verified voter in Forest Knolls, CA

September 19

We are lucky to have people like you in congeress who are aware of the grave risks climate change presents. Please support Juliana v United States which is fighting for the rights of our youth for their future in the face of that climate crisis! The case was recently blocked by a three-judge panel in the Ninth Circuit telling Judge Ann Aiken to end the youths’ case. As far as we can see this three-judge panel didn’t follow the rule of law. They disregarded the limits Congress and the Supreme Court placed on their jurisdiction! SCOTUS itself set the threshold on this type of extraordinary petition and the DOJ didn’t meet it by a longshot. They tried to keep it out of the headlines by writing a three-page unpublished order! Please do everything in your power to support our youth and our planet. Help find a way to let this case move forward.

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