Support sustained IRS funding to uphold fair tax system
  1. United States
  2. S.D.
  3. Letter

Support sustained IRS funding to uphold fair tax system

To: Rep. Johnson, Sen. Rounds, Sen. Thune

From: A verified voter in Aberdeen, SD

May 2

The Internal Revenue Service is facing potential workforce cuts starting in 2026 without sustained funding to support its operations. This risks undermining the progress made in improving taxpayer services and compliance efforts targeting high-income individuals and corporations. To maintain a properly staffed and modernized IRS capable of serving taxpayers effectively while fairly enforcing tax laws, it is imperative that Congress extend the agency's Inflation Reduction Act funding beyond the current expiration date. Failing to do so would inevitably lead to diminished customer service, increased wait times, outdated technology systems, and reduced auditing of complex returns from wealthy filers and partnerships. Continuing investments in the IRS is crucial to upholding the integrity of the tax system and ensuring all taxpayers meet their obligations. I urge you to support legislation providing the IRS with sustained, multi-year funding to prevent disruptive staffing reductions and service delivery setbacks in the coming years.

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