  1. United States
  2. Letter

I really want to vote for you, but…

To: V.P. Harris

From: A constituent in Pacific Grove, CA

August 19

Congratulations your nomination as Democrat Presidential Nominee! I really want to vote for you, and as a lifelong Democrat voter, you would be my choice, but for my concerns regarding our weapon and funding support of Israel’s genocide in Gaza. You may think of me as a one-issue voter, but so be it. My issue is the fact that the money I pay into taxes is directly causing so much tragedy, death, and destruction. I cannot, as a member of humanity, in good conscience vote for someone who is not vehemently opposed to that. I want to vote for you, I really do, but in order for me to do that, I need you to disavow Israel’s actions completely and do everything to make sure that the USA no longer supports Israel materially in any way.

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