  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Murray, Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez, Sen. Cantwell

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27

I write to you as a concerned citizen, an ordinary man stunned and distressed by the ongoing devastation in Palestine. For too long, the world has silently watched the human tragedy unfold, each scene more horrifying than the last. As a proud American, I am horrified at the part we play in these occurrences. Our very own nation's funding fuels the machine of atrocity against Palestinian civilians and sends arms that continue such inhumane actions. This, I implore, must immediately cease. Such violence, such aggression, such utter disregard for the dignity, the very lives of human beings – all marked as acceptable under our watchful eyes. These are human rights violations of the most egregious kind, crimes against humanity that occur with our tacit approval and, more shockingly, our financial support. We provide funds and arms, without holding Israel accountable for its actions. Betraying the very essence of who we are as Americans – people who uphold freedom, justice, and equality for all. Must we wait for more innocent lives to be lost, for more families to be torn apart, before we declare, "Enough is enough"? The U.S. can, must, and should play a decisive role in helping realize peace in the Palestinian territories. It is time for a ceasefire and time to halt the funding of this brutal conflict. In this crucial moment, let us rise against the immoral, the unjust, and the unthinkable. Let us cease to be accomplices. Let us be champions of peace, justice, and humanity.

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