  1. United States
  2. Tenn.
  3. Letter

Pass desired common sense gun laws

To: Gov. Lee, Sen. Briggs, Rep. Zachary

From: A constituent in Farragut, TN

September 5

Tennessee's weak gun laws put residents at unacceptable risk of gun violence. In an average year, 1,404 people die by guns in the state, exacting a massive $18.0 billion toll. Despite this crisis, lawmakers recently eliminated the permitting requirement to carry firearms in public without any background check or safety training. After the tragic school shooting in Nashville, they failed to enact meaningful reforms like stronger background checks or red flag laws to disarm potential mass shooters. Gun violence should not be a partisan issue - it threatens all our communities. Common-sense gun laws have been proven to save lives in other states. I urge you to listen to the overwhelming majority of Tennesseans who want action and pass comprehensive gun safety legislation to keep our families and children safe.

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