  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Zeldin is an environmental threat

To: Sen. Cruz, Sen. Cornyn

From: A verified voter in San Antonio, TX

November 30

The potential nomination of Lee Zeldin to lead the Environmental Protection Agency poses a severe threat to environmental protection efforts in the United States. As a staunch ally of fossil fuel interests and climate change denier, Zeldin's appointment would dismantle crucial regulations safeguarding air and water quality. His track record includes opposing renewable energy initiatives and dismissing the scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change. Putting an anti-environment hardliner in charge of the EPA would endanger public health, accelerate biodiversity loss, and undermine America's global leadership on environmental issues. This reckless decision cannot be allowed to proceed. Urgent action is needed to prevent irreversible damage and uphold environmental justice for all.

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