  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Padilla, Sen. Butler, Rep. Steel

From: A constituent in Fountain Valley, CA

July 14

Is now the time to start talking about reasonable gun control laws? apparently it wasn’t the time to talk about it after elementary schools were shot up and children died or it wasn’t the time to talk about gun control after a movie theater was shot up or a church or synagogue or another elementary school. But maybe now is the time to talk about sensible gun control now that the leader of a violent faction has been subjected to this increasingly common event. People died, a political candidate was shot. Did this faction reap what it has sown? This political faction promotes violence at their rallies. Their leader glorifies violence, he admires violent dictators, he promotes a modern Nazi nation. His message is of hate, fear and violence. His platform promotes the subjugation of people, of prejudice and bias, his people in Congress celebrated Nancy Pelosi‘s husband being beaten by a crazy person, they celebrated when one of our governors was the target of a kidnapping plot planned by this former presidents people, his people chanted about murdering our vice president while violently attempting a coup, they celebrate the violent rhetoric that comes out of their leader’s mouth. Maybe now is the time to talk about sensible gun control laws, I know My congresswoman doesn’t want to talk about sensible gun control but maybe we should. It looks like the assault was conducted by a white American, a male republican. Maybe it’s time to talk.

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