  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Sellersville, PA

May 10

As your constituent, I am contacting you because the bombing has to stop. Prime Minister Netanyahu has repeatedly stated his intention to move forward with a full blown invasion of Rafah, a city in southern Gaza that is currently sheltering more than 1 million Palestinians who have been displaced from their homes by bombing and gunfire. This invasion would be a moral and strategic failure. You and your administration have said you oppose this plan - so you must act with urgency to withhold US weaponry and military support to the Israeli military for any offensive operations. We need to halt this rolling nightmare, use significant diplomatic pressure to secure a ceasefire, and take the first steps towards a durable peace. This crisis is a challenge to our humanity. It calls us to lean into our solidarity, with our communities at home and with those on the other side of the globe, to fight anti-semitism and Islamophobia alike. It calls us to stand bravely for the basic principle that human lives are precious. And it calls us to advocate for peace, urging you, my elected President, to do the same. Thank you for your time.

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