  1. United States
  2. Ga.
  3. Letter

Please oppose the DFR Act

To: Rep. Williams

From: A verified voter in Atlanta, GA

June 7

Please oppose the Drones for First Responders Act, a misleading name for a bill that would hurt drone users like me across the country. This bill would create new taxes on the most popular drones in the U.S. and, by 2030, ban those drones entirely. The drones that would be prohibited are popular for a reason. I chose to buy them because they’re the best tool for the job and can be counted on to work when I need them. If you’ve ever flown a drone before, whether it be for work, for public safety, for research, or just for fun, you’d know that reliability, capability, and cost are critically important, and this bill would force me to pay more for a drone that does less.

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