An open letter to Sen. Rubio, Sen. Scott, Rep. Bean.
  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Rubio, Sen. Scott, Rep. Bean

From: A constituent in Jacksonville, FL

May 10

Government Policy For Sale: Trump appears to have tried a more direct approach to reelection: you give me money, and I’ll give you carte blanche to pollute and harm people’s health. Now, surely you know that those votes are worth many billions more than what Trump is asking. That’s truly a bargain basement price. According to Josh Dawsey and Maxine Joselow of the Washington Post, last month at Mar-a-Lago, Trump told about two dozen top oil executives that if they gave him $1 billion to get reelected, he would immediately reverse the environmental regulations the Biden-Harris administration has put into place and stop any new ones. A $1 billion gift would be a “deal,” according to Trump, because the tax cuts he plans to enact and the regulatory cuts would be worth far more than that. Since then, Ben Lefebvre wrote yesterday in Politico, oil executives have been drawing up executive orders that Trump can sign as soon as he takes office.

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