  1. United States
  2. Ind.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Young, Rep. Pence, Sen. Braun

From: A constituent in Indianapolis, IN

November 17

The proposed legislation, H.R. 9495, poses a severe threat to civil liberties and constitutional rights. Granting the Treasury secretary unilateral authority to revoke the tax-exempt status of nonprofits deemed "terrorist supporting organizations," without requiring any evidence or due process, is a dangerous overreach of power. This bill has the potential to be weaponized against dissenting voices, stifling free speech and advocacy work under the pretext of national security. It undermines crucial constitutional protections and enables the targeting of organizations based on ideological differences rather than substantiated claims. We must safeguard the fundamental rights enshrined in our democracy and reject measures that erode these principles. Empowering the executive branch with such unchecked authority sets a perilous precedent and could lead to further erosion of civil liberties. I urge you to vote against H.R. 9495 and preserve the integrity of our democratic institutions and the freedoms they uphold.

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